Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) | Access Services : ASI

Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA)

Access Services was established in 1994 and designated as the Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) for Los Angeles County by Metro. Statewide, CTSAs were created in 1979, when the state legislature passed Assembly Bill 120, "Social Services Transportation Improvement Act". The vision behind creating the CTSA model was to foster coordination among social service transportation providers in order to utilize existing transportation.

Access Services has sought to fulfill its CTSA mandate in a manner that is commensurate with the size of Los Angeles County and complexity of services offered. We believe that it is most effective to provide the best possible information and technical assistance to Los Angeles County's specialized transportation providers through Access Services Learning and Development Program. Below are some of the other activities Access Services is involved in its role as a CTSA.

Coordination with CalACT and other CTSAs

Access Services works with the California Association of Coordinated Transportation (CalACT) Board of Directors and Legislative Committee to propose changes in legislation and address coordination issues. CalACT and Access Services have compiled a list of all of the CTSA's in California and have created a list-serve e-mail group of CTSAs to facilitate discussions, removal of coordination barriers, and to promote the sharing of technical information.

Local Transportation Planning Meetings

Access Services actively participates in several local transportation planning meetings such as Metro's Local Transportation System's Subcommittee (LTSS), Bus Operations Subcommittee (BOS) and Los Angeles County and City Commission on Disabilities where transportation issues are proactively discussed.

Coordination and Technical Assistance with Grant Programs

Assistance related to the preparation of Section 5310 Grant Proposals for Transportation to the seniors and persons with disabilities remain an integral part of the technical assistance provided under this program. Staff provides technical assistance to applicants and acts as a liaison to Metro's Local Review Committee to facilitate efforts and understanding of coordination as a major component of grant success. Staff also provides technical assistance to applicants to apply for JARC program (Section 5316) and New Freedom (Section 5317) grant programs.

Coordinated Action Plan

Access Services initiated the development of the Los Angeles County's Coordinated Action Plan on behalf of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the Los Angeles County's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) who is the designated recipient for the funds discussed in this plan and will be responsible for its implementation.