The Access Services Transportation Professionals Advisory Committee (TPAC) meets the second Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November) from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM*
The TPAC meets* at:
Access Services
3449 Santa Anita Ave
3rd Floor Council Room
El Monte, CA 91731
*unless otherwise noted
TPAC members:
- Fayma Ishaq, TPAC Chairperson
Metro - Diane Amaya, TPAC Vice Chairperson
City of Redondo Beach - Martha Olivia
LADOT - David Feinberg
Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus - Erica Jacquez
Pomona Valley Transportation Authority - Sebastian Hernandez
City of Pasadena - Chaka Garbutt
Long Beach Transit - James Lee
Torrance Transit - Melissa Mungia
Orange County Transportation Authority - LaShawn Gillespsie
Foothill Transit - Adrianna Kendricks
Montebello Bus Lines - Liliana Huerta
East Los Angeles Regional Center - Tisha Lane
Antelope Valley Transit Authority - Silva Baghdanian
Glendale Beeline - Frazier Watts